Advocacy is about equality
Asist works alongside people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or mental health conditions. We strive to ensure that there is support for people who have difficulty speaking out, so that they can have an equal voice in the choices and decisions that affect their lives.
An advocate will not be judgemental, and will not try to guide or influence the people they work with by telling them what the advocate thinks is in their best interest - advocacy is about enabling people to speak up and make their own, informed, independent choices.
An advocate can support people to:
• find information about their options
• discuss and understand their situation and the choices available to them
• speak up; by supporting them at meetings and reviews, including those with health and social care services and helping people to write letters or make calls.
If you would like more information about advocacy
Asist provides a range of awareness sessions for organisations, if you would like to know more about the range of advocacy services we offer in Staffordshire. If you're interested in an awareness session please contact us.
Asist was one of the first organisations to become accredited with the Quality Performance Mark for Advocacy Services.
About Us
Asist provides specialist independent advocacy support focused on one-to-one, issue based advocacy services for people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and/or mental health issues.
Advocacy is about enabling people who have difficulty speaking out to speak up and make their own, informed, independent choices about decisions that affect their lives.
Asist provides the Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy service (IMCA), Independent Mental Health Act Advocacy service (IMHA), Care Act and NHS Complaints in Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent. Asist also offers advocacy to people in Stoke on Trent through a number of specialist projects including BAME and Parents Advocacy.
Asist is nationally recognised for developing, writing and promoting the Watching Brief guidance which outlines the core principles that underpin all Non-Instructed Advocacy support services across the UK.